Water & Wastewater Treatment Whitepapers

ClearBakk’s process engineering team has written whitepapers on various water & wastewater treatment subjects for industry sectors such as Oil & Gas, Food & Beverage, Chemical Processing, Pharmaceutical, Marine, and Nuclear.

8.5 T/hr Polymer Hydration Plant for Tailings Mitigation

Horizontal vs Vertical Silo Storage Solutions
Written by: Matthew McCurdy (Process EIT)

This whitepaper explores the differences between Horizontal and Vertical Silo Storage Soolutions, and explains the benefits and disadvantages of both. Operational flexibility, price, footprint, and transportation logistics are all covered in this whitepaper.


8.5 T/hr Polymer Hydration Plant for Tailings Mitigation

Green Hydrogen Water Requirements
Written by: Matthew McCurdy (Process EIT)

This whitepaper explores the water requirements for Green Hydrogen. With the growing interest in decarbonizing the economy and renewable energy, the production of hydrogen through electrolysis has become an increasing priority.


8.5 T/hr Polymer Hydration Plant for Tailings Mitigation

Blue Hydrogen Water Requirements
Written by: Lisa Li (P. Eng, M. Chem. Eng.)

This whitepaper explores the water requirements for Blue Hydrogen. Blue Hydrogen is produced through the steam methane reforming (SMR) process, which combines natural gas with high-temperature steam to produce hydrogen. This process involves several critical stages, including methane conversion, CO2 capture, and hydrogen purification. Water is essential in various aspects of the production process, from steam generation to cooling and purification.


8.5 T/hr Polymer Hydration Plant for Tailings Mitigation

Dry Bulk Material Handling Solutions
Written by: Lisa Li (P. Eng, M. Chem. Eng.)

This whitepaper explores the components that make up a Dry Bulk Material Handling System. Dry Bulk Material Handling Systems play a crucial role in various industries, including chemicals, agriculture and mining, by efficiently moving, storing, and processing bulk materials such as chemicals, ores and cement. A well-designed dry bulk material handling system can enhance productivity, reduce waste, and minimize downtime.


Feasibility Study

Why Conducting a Feasibility Study is Important
Written by: Jeff Piccirillo (P. Eng, M. Sc. Eng.)

This whitepaper explores why conducting a feasibility study is important, and showcases why Operating Expenses (OPEX) and footprint are just as important considerations as initial capital cost.


Ceramic Membranes

Pervaporation: A Practical Separation Process for Industrial Applications
Written by: Oluchi Onyeuka (M. Eng.)

This whitepaper explores how pervaporation can be used to separate mixtures of liquids by partial vaporization through the use of membranes.


Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment
Written by: Matthew McCurdy (Process EIT)

This whitepaper explores why it is important to have pre-treatment in your Reverse Osmosis (RO) system. RO membrane replacement cost account for approximately 13% of plant costs, so it is important to protect the RO with pre-treatment so that they last as long as possible.
